You can now apply for a work permit to Canada with the help of our HR specialists, who will help you find, and secure a job offer for you in Canada.

Apply for a work permit to Canada now!

By clicking the Submit button, you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.

By clicking the Submit button, you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.

Why use our services?

Licensed & Regulated

P.I.S.Canada works with several RCIC agents and Canadian immigration lawyers and advisors who will help you with your immigration process to Canada.

Dedicated Support

A dedicated HR specialist, and case managers will be working on your case, and guide you on every step towards achieving your dream of immigrating to Canada.

Affordable Services

P.I.S.Canada understands that immigrating to Canada can be expensive. This is why we provide payment plans to make this process easy and affordable.

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The website is owned and operated by the EU company, MALI EXPIMP, 46 Mito Voynichki Kazichene, 1532, Sofia, Bulgaria. The is not affiliated with the Canadian government. You should read the terms of use and privacy policy before registering for the website services. 

All rights to PISCanada. Copyright 2023